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Let’s talk!

For general queries relating to SRS activities:

Please email info.srstudies@gmail.com

For specific issues and policy questions, contact the SRS President:

James A. Kapaló

University College Cork, Ireland (J.Kapalo@ucc.ie)

To submit news items for the SRS Newsletter, contact the editorial team:

Anna Batzeli

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (abatzeli@hist.auth.gr)

Bronwyn Cragg

Independent scholar (bronwyn.cragg@gmail.com)

Ruxandra Canache

Postdoc I.C.U.B. (ruxu.rp@gmail.com)

For information about memberships and dues, contact one of the SRS Treasurers:

George Andrei

Indiana University Bloomington, USA (SRStreasury@gmail.com)

For suggestions, comments, or information relevant to graduate students in Romanian Studies, please contact the Graduate Student Representatives:

Alexandra Ciocanel

University of Manchester, UK (alexandra.ciocanel@gmail.com)

Emmanuel Grec

University of Heidelberg, Germany (grec.emanuel@gmail.com)

For suggestions, comments, or ideas about this website, contact the webmaster:

Dan-Alexandru Săvoaia

“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Romania  (alex.savoaia@gmail.com)