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Submitting a Proposal

to the Studii Româneşti/Romanian Studies/Études Roumaines/Rumänische Studien Book Series

Published by the Society for Romanian Studies and Polirom

Book Series Editors: Irina Livezeanu (Department of History, University of Pittsburgh, irinal@pitt.edu) and Lavinia Stan (Department of Political Science, St. Francis Xavier University, P.O.Box 5000, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, B2G 2W5, Canada, lstan@stfx.ca)

Editorial Assistant: Cristian Cercel (accercel@gmail.com)

Advisory Board: Maria Bucur (Indiana University Bloomington), Magda Cârneci (UNAB), Aurelian Crăiuțu (Indiana University Bloomington), Valentina Glajar (Texas State University), Mihai Dinu Gheorghiu (Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza,” Iași), Armin Heinen (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen), Bruce O’Neill (Saint Louis University), Andrei Terian (Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu)

The Society for Romanian Studies (SRS), the world’s premier academic organization dedicated to Romanian Studies, and Polirom, Romania’s largest publisher of academic titles, are partners and sponsors of the Studii Româneşti/Romanian Studies/Études Roumaines/Rumänische Studien book series. The series publishes scholarly books in Romanian. Authors who plan to propose manuscripts to the SRS book series should keep in mind that Polirom has an exclusively Romanian and Moldovan distribution market.

Authors or editors of the manuscripts submitted and of the books published in the series must be members of SRS at the time of submission and publication. 

We are accepting mainly two types of book proposals:

  • Romanian translations of scholarly monographs that have already been published in a foreign language
  • Translations of edited collections dealing with a topic pertaining to Romanian Studies.

Exceptionally, original scholarly monographs written in Romanian may be considered. 

The series is uniquely committed to the process of peer review and to publishing high quality academic works dealing with Romania and/or Moldova and the populations living on their territories, or with the Romanian and/or Moldovan diasporas and cultures. 

Book proposals may have a disciplinary, interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach, drawing on history, political science, sociology, anthropology, law, economics, linguistics, literature, art history, and other fields. They should be based on sound and rigorous scholarly analysis, and include references and bibliography. Romanian translations of books previously published in a different language must include a foreword [Cuvânt înainte] or preface by the author addressing the Romanian readership; they may include a preface by an established scholar in the field. We prefer contributions that are free of jargon and are more likely to appeal to a broad audience. All proposals, manuscripts, and books submitted for translation will be carefully reviewed for publication in the series. 

We will not consider the following types of manuscripts: unrevised masters or doctoral dissertations defended at universities in Romania or abroad; unrevised proceedings of conferences not sponsored by the SRS; collections of essays that do not have a clear thematic focus or lack methodological rigor; collections of original historical documents; collections of essays that only marginally improve on volumes already published in Romania or abroad; works of fiction and poetry; collections of articles published over the years in dailies and/or weeklies; governmental reports or reports produced by non-governmental organizations.

All manuscripts and books will be carefully reviewed in view of publication. If appropriate, the book series editors will solicit reviews of the proposals from experts in the field. We expect to be able to give an answer regarding the publication of a proposed volume within 2-3 months after its submission. For books already published outside Romania, the book proposal should be accompanied by book reviews, if these are available, and by readers’ reports submitted to the initial publisher. The quality of the book proposal is key to its acceptance. It may be written in Romanian or in English.

The book proposal should include the following information:

–          names of author(s), editors, and contributors, their affiliations and contact information, as well as short bios detailing their expertise and previous publications

–          title of the book

–          estimated number of pages, words, tables, and figures

–          table of contents, including titles and summaries of chapters

–          narrative description of the volume’s main topic; its relevance for current scholarly debates; and its contribution to the field(s) to which it is related. 

–          position of the proposed volume relative to other books on the topic published recently in Romania and elsewhere

–          intended market

–          book reviews, if available

–          at least one chapter in nearly finished form

For further inquiries and suggestions please contact either the series editors or the editorial assistant.