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Organizational Links

The Society for Romanian Studies maintains close ties with a number of other scholarly organizations. Chief among them is the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), which every November organizes an annual meeting that is well attended by SRS members.

The other organizations with which the SRS maintains links are listed below, together with the SRS liaisons:

  • The American Historical Association (AHA) is the oldest and largest society of historians in the United States. It organizes an annual conference in January, in which many SRS members participate. The SRS participates with one panel organized by Ruxandra Petrinca. More information is available at: http://www.historians.org.
    SRS liaison: Ruxandra Petrinca (McGill University, ruxandra.petrinca@mail.mcgill.ca)
  • The American Political Science Association (APSA) is the largest organization of political scientists in the United States. Each year, the APSA organizes a conference in late August. The SRS participates with one panel organized by Dr. Claudiu Tufiş. The APSA website is: http://www.apsanet.org.
    SRS liaison: Claudiu Tufiş (University of Bucharest, claudiu.tufis@fspub.unibuc.ro)
  • The Romanian Studies Association of America (RSAA) focuses on Romanian language and literature. Each year since its creation, the RSAA has organized two sessions at the annual Modern Language Association (MLA) convention, which takes place in January. More information on the RSAA is available at: http://www.thersaa.org. The SRS and RSAA offer a joint membership.
    SRS liaison: Margaret Beissinger (Princeton University, mhbeissi@princeton.edu)
  • The Southeast European Studies Association (SEESA) is devoted to the exchange of knowledge amongst scholars interested in the area of Southeastern Europe. Many of its members are working on Romania and Moldova. Its website is: http://www.seesa.info/conferences. The SRS and SEESA offer a joint membership.
    SRS liaison: Dallas Michelbacher (Central Michigan University, miche1df@cmich.edu)
  • The Balkan History Association (BHA) is a non-profit, apolitical, and independent organization that aims to develop and promote at both national and international levels the interdisciplinary and comparative study of the Balkan region, and, more generally, of South-East Europe, located in Bucharest, Romania. The BHA website is: https://www.balkan-history.com/
    SRS liaison: Roland Clark (University of Liverpool, clarkr@liv.ac.uk)
  • The PLURAL Forum for Interdisciplinary Studies is a not-for-profit organisation based in the Republic of Moldova. It aims at initiating and carrying out analyses and discussions of phenomena and social issues neglected or distorted in the public space, such as inequality, oppression, identities, cultures, power and ideologies. It’s website is http://plural.md/ SRS liaisonPetru Negură (Free International University from Moldova, Chişinău, petru.negura@gmail.com).
  • The American Romanian Coalition for Human and Equal Rights (ARCHER) formed in 2020 “to empower the members of diaspora to become active supporters and advocates of social justice and human rights in our communities.” For more information see https://archercoalition.org/ SRS liaison: Roxana Cazan (roxanalcazan@gmail.com)
  • The Immigration Research Forum (IRF) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization established in Washington, DC dedicated to the research of transatlantic immigration, the social integration of immigrants and their impact on host communities and countries of origin. It seeks to bring together professionals with different areas of research expertise, to help develop, promote and sustain strategies of empowering vulnerable populations, including immigrant groups through lobby and public diplomacy efforts. For more information see https://www.immigrationresearchforum.org/ SRS liaison: Teodor Stan (info@immigrationresearchforum.org)
  • The New Books Network (NBN) is a consortium of author-interview podcast channels dedicated to raising the level of public discourse by introducing scholars and other serious writers to a wide public via new media. Covering 100+ subjects, disciplines, and genres, we publish 50 to 75 episodes every week. The NBN reaches about a million people every month; NBN listeners download close to 5 million episodes a month. SRS liaison: Roland Clark (clarkr@liverpool.ac.uk)