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Literature Working Group

Active members

Bopp-Filimonov, Valeska

Cap-Bun, Marina (convenor)

Other members

Andrei, Amanda L.

Balan (Grecu), Iulia Magdalena

Bitaracu (Micauta), Simona

Cioromelea (Panait), Alina-Roxana

David, Iuliana

Ganea Buruiana, Alina

Nicolae, Florentina

Nour, Ramona

Stoica, Robert

Literature Working Group Meeting at Ovidius University, Constanța

After all the disruptions and setbacks brought by the pandemic, the Literature Working Group of the Society for Romanian Studies and the Romanian Studies Circle of the Center for Research and Professional Development „Romanian Studies in Internatonal Context” (Centrul de cercetare și dezvoltare profesională Studiile românești în context international, STUR) at Ovidius University, Constanța, Romania, held its first in-person meeting this year on April 19, 2022.

The meeting, eagerly awaited by academics, and by graduate and undergraduate students, as well, focused on the future topics for research and dissemination of Romanian Studies within various educational and cultural milieus. The participants proposed topics that will cover less explored areas in Romanian Studies, and will showcase the research of graduate students in Romanian Studies and Romanian Literature.

The second part of the meeting was devoted to new publication: first, the 11th volume of studies of the STUR Research Center, Mihai Eminescu la 170 de ani de la naștere. Reevaluări necesare (Mihai Eminescu, 170 years. A Well-Needed Review)-eds. Marina Cap-Bun, Florentina Nicolae, Editura Universitară, 2021, and is dedicated to the memory of Christina Zarifopol-Illias, who passed away in 2021. It gathers studies and articles by a plethora of specialists in Romanian Studies, from senior academics of various international and Romanian universities (Christian Moraru, Elena Mazilu-Ionescu, Marina Cap-Bun, Angelo Mitchievici, Lacramioara Berechet, Florentina Nicolae, Mona Momescu) to younger researchers and graduate students; the articles reexamined the work and symbolic status of the poet from a heterogeneous perspective – from global studies, to comparative readings, or to original close readings of some of his  widely circulated poems.

The volume also includes three papers, grouped under the title Atelier Matei Visniec (The Matei Visniec Workshop) that examine the poetics of his theater from various angles. A book on Matei Visniec’s poetics, Poetica descompunerii în teatrul lui Matei Vișniec (The Poetics of Decomposition in M. Vișniec’s Plays), by Mirela Doga, published by Ovidius University Press, Constanța, in 2021, was also launched in the presence of its author.

Professor Marina Cap-Bun presented a tribute to Professor Christina Zarifopol-Illias, whose professionalism, dedication and relentless work left an indelible mark on the Romanian Studies program at the Indiana University-Bloomington.