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Call for Nominations 2024

*Update: as of early April 2024, the positions have been filled as follows:

Membership and Working Groups Officer: Irina Nastasă-Matei, University of Bucharest, Romania (irina.matei@fspub.unibuc.ro)

Social Media Officer: Mihai Ghițulescu, University of Craiova, Romania (mihai.ghitulescu@edu.ucv.ro)

Student Representatives:

D. Sergio Glajar, University of Texas at Austin, United States (sergio.glajar@utexas.edu)

Megan Palmer, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (ahxmp5@nottingham.ac.uk)


The SRS seeks nominations for two new important positions on the Executive Board, those of Working Groups Co-ordinator and Social Media Officer, as well as two new Graduate Student Representatives.  

In order to qualify to be nominated for election to the Executive Board nominees must be

  1. a current member of SRS 
  2. actively engaged in the field of Romanian Studies

Please send nominations or self-nominations, specifying clearly the position, by February 29, 2024, to Roland Clark, Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee, via e-mail clarkr@liverpool.ac.uk

The nomination should include a current email address and institutional affiliation, a 200-word bio, as well as a brief personal statement about your motivations and goals for the position you wish to stand for (up to 300 words). Please consult the SRS by-laws for details about SRS governance, available at https://society4romanianstudies.org/srs-bylaws/

Note: The Nominating Committee strives to promote balanced representation in regard to age, gender, professional background, country of residence, and geographical and disciplinary areas of specialization, but is not be bound by anyparticular formula.


The open positions and a brief description of duties are as follows:

Membership and Working Groups Officer shall maintain a current membership list and periodically send subscription reminders to the membership. She/he shall liaise with the Convenors of the Working Groups and together with the Board decide on changes to the Working Group convenors and composition. She/he will update the Working Group page/s on the website in co-ordination with Webmaster and update SRS social media sites with working group events and content. The Membership and Working Groups Officer shall sit on the conference committee. This is a four-year term, ending December 31, 2027.

Social Media Officer shall have the responsibility of updating all SRS social media accounts with news and events. She/he will work in close collaboration with the Webmaster and Secretary on communication strategy and maintain a timely and coordinated social media presence. This is a four-year term, ending December 31, 2027.

Graduate Student Representatives are regular members of the Executive Board And shall take part in all of the Board’s activities and meetings. They shall organise a graduate student-led event (conference, symposium or workshop). They will be supported in this by one of the non-Graduate Student members of the Board to be agreed by the Board. This is a two-year term, ending December 31, 2025.


SRS elects Board members through an electronic ballot of all members in good standing. 

The nominating committee consists of:

Roland Clark (chair), University of Liverpool, UK, clarkr@liverpool.ac.uk

Constantin Ardeleanu, Institute for South-East European Studies, ardcons@gmail.com

Irina Livezeanu, University of Pittsburgh, USA, irinal@pitt.edu

(Click here for the call in pdf format)