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Society for Romanian Studies—Call for Nominations

As the calendar year draws to a close, so do four SRS executive mandates: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. According to our by-laws, the President and Vice-President serve for three years (January 2023 – December 2025), whereas the Secretary and the Treasurer serve for four years (January 2023 – December 2026). The Nominating Committee would like to call for nominations to these four positions on the SRS Executive Board, to replace Roland Clark, Rodica Zaharia, Anca Sincan and Vladimir Solonari.

Please send nominations or self-nominations, specifying clearly the position, by December 10 to Lavinia Stan, Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee, via e-mail at lstan@stfx.ca.

The nomination should include a current email address and institutional affiliation, a 200-word bio, as well as a brief personal statement about your goals on the SRS Executive Board (up to 300 words). Please consult the SRS by-laws for details about SRS governance, available at https://srstudies.org/srs-bylaws/

The Society for Romanian Studies is an international interdisciplinary academic organization dedicated to promoting the professional study, criticism, and research of all aspects of Romanian culture and civilization, particularly concerning the countries of Romania and Moldova. The Nominating Committee strives to promote balanced representation in regard to age, gender, professional background, locations of residence, and geographical and disciplinary areas of specialization, but is not be bound by any particular formula.

Qualifications include being a member of SRS and being actively engaged in the field of

Romanian Studies. To be eligible for election as Treasurer a person must be a member in good standing for at least the calendar year prior to election.


The open positions and a brief description of duties are as follows:

The President shall call and preside at all meetings of members and shall be the Chair of the Executive Board. She/he shall sign all contracts, agreements and other instruments which may be entered into by or on behalf of the SRS.  The President shall appoint as needed non-voting members as advisory to the Board (committee chairs, such as the prize committees, program committee chairs, or ad hoc committee chairs) with the approval of the Board.  The President (assisted by the Vice-President) shall be responsible for monitoring Board participation and making recommendations to the Board in cases of perceived nonfeasance, misfeasance, or malfeasance.

The Vice-President shall assist the President in the execution of her/his functions and perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President. She/he shall also perform those specific duties assigned by the Executive Board.

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Society and of the National Board; shall maintain the Archives of the Society; shall keep current the list of the Society’s liaison/representatives to other societies and associations that the SRS is affiliated or related to, as well as informing the President and the Board when replacements need to be made; shall receive and answer correspondence addressed to the Association in consultation with the president; and shall send out, receive, and tabulate election ballots, and report the result of elections to the Board. The Treasurer will also serve as an acting Secretary for purposes concerning the organization’s financial transactions.

The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all funds of the Society which shall come into her/his hands, shall deposit the same in such manner and in such banks as the Executive Board or the President may direct, and shall disburse such funds under the direction of the Board. She/he shall keep true books of account and render statements thereof whenever required, and in no case less frequently than once a year, at the annual meeting of the Society; shall manage the collection of dues, and keep accurate lists of the members in each category; and shall provide to the annual meeting of the Society a written statement of disbursements and assets for the current fiscal year.

Please send nominations or self-nominations to the chair of the Nominating Committee until December 10, 2022: Lavinia Stan (lstan@stfx.ca)


SRS selects Board members through an electronic ballot of all members in good standing. Open balloting will take place from December 12-24, 2022 and the results will be announced no later than January 1, 2023.

The nominating committee consists of:

Lavinia Stan (chair), St Francis Xavier University, Canada, lstan@stfx.ca

Ruxandra Trandafoiu, Edge Hill University, UK, trandar@edgehill.ac.uk

Matei Gheboianu, University of Bucharest, Romania, matei.gheboianu@gmail.com